The first video in our
tutorial series

We have dedicated these video tutorials to shed some insights into the optimal design of turbocompressors and compare technologies and practices on the market.

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Diffuser vs. Speed Airflow Regulation
Tutorial Series

Learn why speed control is not the prefered method of regulating the airflow and what are the advantages of diffuser vanes.

See also our YouTube channel for more videos to come...

Selection of a discharge cone size?

One key component to the centrifugal compressor is the discharge cone diffuser. At the discharge of the impeller in the flow path, it is the diffuser's responsibility to convert the kinetic energy (high velocity) of the air into pressure by gradually slowing (diffusing) the air velocity.

The inlet diameter of the cone is determined by the chosen frame size; the discharge diameter is selected based on the accepted maximum air-speed leaving the compressor package into the customers distribution pipe. In principal, the lower the airflow speed, the lower the losses in the pipe system, especially at pipe bendings. Our default maximum airspeed criteria is set to 25 m/s. You can change this setting at the performance input form under the tab 'Settings'. Please note: the exit diameters are normed according to DN and the exact one will be selected so that the actual airspeed will not be higher than the criteria. The actual airspeed is displayed in the results.